Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Greatest Romance

"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life." John 3:16

VALENTINE'S DAY!! Just the sound of those words evokes a desire to share our love with someone. Young and old, rich or poor, family or friend, spouse or significant other...this day is set aside to say "I Love You!" For most,it is a time of planning something special and creating ways to be romantic. For others, it may be an opportunity to dream up ways to be wacky and surprise an unsuspecting person. Yet for others, it may be a time of loneliness or remembrance of lost loved ones. You may not receive a card or flowers; go out to dinner or a movie; nor spend a romantic evening.No matter what your circumstances are, remember that you are special!

Throughout our lives we love many, and many love us. Just because someone loves you, does not mean that you are willing or interested in a relationship with that individual. We have the free will to choose whose love we will accept. That is what determines whether or not we have a relationship with that person. And so it is with God. He loves us all and yearns to have a relationship with us, but acceptance is the key. Do you accept the Father's love?

God is love. He showed His great love for us when He sent His Son so that our sins would be forgiven. His love is unfailing and unconditional. He is always there for us with His arms stretched wide. God is ready, willing, and able to embrace us no matter what we have done, who we have disappointed, and how long we have tried to hide from His enduring love.

Open your heart today and receive the love of the Father. He gave His Son, so that your sins could be forgiven. Accept Jesus into your heart and let His love reign. Know and believe that He died on the cross and rose again for all mankind. He shed His blood for you! Won't you let Him be Lord of your life!?

This Valentine's Day, start a new relationship or rekindle an old flame. Make Him your first love:
Let God romance you.

Got any gift ideas for Valentine's Day? We do. from Angel Mission on Vimeo.

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