Thursday, August 14, 2008

Do you know what you believe?

Just a thought...

A few years ago, as I was about to embark on my first international mission trip, I suffered a great loss. Just three weeks before the team's departure, my younger sister passed away as she succumbed to breast cancer. Even though we had prayed to God, the elders had prayed the prayer of faith, and ministers had anointed her with oil, she peacefully went home to her heavenly Father.
There I was: on fire for God and ready to conquer the world in the name of Jesus. Suddenly, I was faced with the question- Why did she die? We had witnessed the miracle working power of God in our lives and many others. As ministers in a healing ministry, we could give testimonies to physical, spiritual and emotional healings. She had experienced the presence of the Lord and shared in the outpouring of His Spirit in revivals. Why wasn't she healed?
I guess one would say that my theology was rocked. I reminded myself continually, God is sovereign. As my mind tried to meditate on the loss, I battled to remember the miracles of old. Testimony after testimony of God's resurrecting and delivering healing power. Could I believe that God is still God, no matter what? It left me challenged in my faith and relationship with our Creator.
If you are a Christian, do you know in what you believe? Many of us attend churches and ministries events, yet we don't know in what a Christian believes. Let's be more specific, sometimes we don't know the beliefs within the denominational to which we belong! Vision statements are displayed in churches, Mission statements are included in bulletins, and Statements of Faith are written in brochures or posted on websites. How many times have we read those statements of faith (Doctrinal Truths)?
I don't know about you, but the first time I read the Doctrinal Truths I felt like an extraterrestial. I figured that I must be from outerspace because there was so much information and the wording was difficult, that I couldn't decipher what in the world they were saying. Oh, and the Scriptures! Be honest, have you ever taken your Bible and studied each of the scriptures associated with your Doctrinal Truths?
Therefore, I challenge you. Take the time to learn and understand what a Christian believes. Get a copy of the statements of faith from your congregation, locate the scriptures and read them. If one would compare and contrast denominations, there are variations in wording and paraphrasing. Notably, you will also find differences in areas that still remain controversial between denominations. But you owe it to yourself to know what you believe.
These Fundamental Truths are a basis of fellowship among us. The truths are essential to a Full Gospel, Bible-based ministry. They do not contain all truth, only a commonality of basic doctrines. Understanding your Statements of Faith is important to your ability to witness the hope of Christ and His resurrecting power.
So, witness to others how Jesus was crucified, buried and raised from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father. Proclaim that through Him our sins are forgiven. Empower others with the gift of the wonder-working power of the Blood. Declare that we are justified by faith. Walk in the blessing that we have divine healing because of the atonement. Teach others that the Holy Spirit is here with us and dwells in us to renew and sanctify. As we celebrate that our name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and we await the second coming of Jesus.

He shall reign! Take a look at this video:

Be a Kingdom Advancer,

Pastor Pamela Robinson

P.S. Here is your research: Search for a copy of the Nicene Creed (381 A.D.). Read the creed and outline the beliefs. Suggested Reading: Assemblies of God- Our 16 Doctrines; A paraphrased Version of : Statements of Fundamental Truths. The reading is very simplified with commentary.


David Pickett said...
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Tent of Meeting Ministries, Inc. said...

It's good to hear from you. God bless you. Don't forget to do your homework. You will enjoy reading the Nicene Creed.


Tracy and Bob Patterson said...

Dear Pastor Pam,
It's an honor to unite with you in this awesome endeavor for the kingdom! The site is remarkable! Very impressive! It has success for God's glory written all over it! Thank you for the invitation! Living in the blessing, Bob and Tracy Patterson