"He is like a tree planted by streams of water, wich yields fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." Psalm 1:3 (NIV)
God is a God of seasons. Yet, we must understand that He is not bound to man made seasons or times. Our seasons are spiritual. Sometimes we are more aware of the spiritual changes or periods of transition that occur in our walk with the LORD. And there are times when we can feel a definite shifting. Other times we are less in tune.
Time and seasons happen to every man. Time meaning opportunity, period or season, which can sometimes correlate to a calendar or weather season. Since we are like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. I found my self meditating on how I can have changing seasons, yet my leaf does not wither...change color, wither, fall off, die. I see the trees changing their leaves, yet my tree is different. Can you imagine a tree still maintaining green fresh, bright leaves in the midst of trees whose leaves are withering and falling off? Can you imagine a tree standing in the midst of bare trees? How can we be a tree whose leaves do not wither?
It's because we are not bound to seasons of man. We are not bound to cycles. We are not bound to those things which bring death to our leaves. Those cyclical thoughts of depression, loss, death, or grief. Rehearsing and re-cursing events in our life like hurt from divorce, wounds of infidelity, anniversaries of tragedies. God wants to disconnect us from being tied to cycles of grief that bring spiritual death and depression. Elizabeth Ross teaches on how we handle death or a loss. She lists five stages of grief. Grief, which is a mental suffering or distress over the loss. It can be a great sorrow or painful regret. Stage 1 Denial; Stage 2 Anger; Stage 3 Bargaining; Stage 4 Depression; and Stage 5 Acceptance. She shares that we all move through these stages. In my experiences, grief does not appear the same in everyone. For some it may be rather intense and obvious. For others, a combination of sharp sorrow and melancholy introversion. And for others, it may go unnoticed in there everyday behaviors, but be displayed in random events or areas of malfunctioning in the mundane processes of life. No matter what, or how we navigate through a loss or death of a loved one, we must avoid the pitfalls of becoming attached to cyclical bouts of grief, which can be triggered by seasons, dates or similar events. God can heal you.
We are like a tree that has an ever flowing source of nourishment.
We are not bound to man's timing, but God's timing. When we seek God and seek His Word, we are continually refreshed by the Spirit of God. Our source of life is never ending, ever flowing, ever changing, ever healing. God's streams of water, His Holy Spirit, is ever flowing. Our leaves do not wither when we are constantly being renewed. The tree that is planted is in constant renewal and continual change by God's Spirit and God's Word. LIVE IN CONTINUAL RENEWAL!
That is how our leaves do not wither.