Friday, February 1, 2013
Getting Back On The Horse
Have you ever felt like you just can't keep it together? Or maybe you have so many challenges that you feel overwhelmed. Does it make you want to quit? Have you ever felt like just giving up? Well... I have. Statistically, many pastors do not run the race to the end. We don't last the long haul. Some pastors start out with hopes of running a church or ministry well into retirement, but many stop within the first few years. I never could quite figure it out. I mean... to me, it felt like people were giving up on God. They weren't. I truly didn't understand until it happened to me. I got to a point where I wanted to quit ministry!
I'm not quite sure if the apprehension to continue evolved from church issues or personal stress. Either way, everything seemed to be too much to handle. Maybe you have experienced loss of a loved one, divorce, unemployment, health problems, financial stress, family pressures, educational failures, and worse of all, loss of support. Eventually, I just decided that in order to survive the almost inevitable ministry pitfall, what I call "premature retirement", it would necessitate taking care of me. After all, if I wasn't doing well, how could I even do ministry. In a nutshell, I took a much needed sabbatical.
So how does one recover from feeling like they have failed God? Is it even failure? Who is measuring one's success in ministry anyway? How does one measure success in ministry?
Maybe it's more about finishing the race that you started. Undoubtedly, when a person gets to the point of quitting ministry many feelings can occur: discouragement can set in; self-pity can dominate; confusion can creep in; and fear can loom about you. Fear of failure, fear of rejection.
So again, how does one recover? Slow and Steady.
In the book of Esther, Mordecai discovered a plot for the annihilation of the Jews. Queen Esther, a Jew, learned of Mordecai's lament (Esther 4:5)over the impending demise of their people. She became instrumental in the cessation of the plot.
(Esther 3-7) As the story goes, after sending Esther a reliable account of the situation, Mordecai gave her a charge to intercede with the king for the sake of the Jews. "7 Mordecai told him everything that had happened to him, including the exact amount of money Haman had promised to pay into the royal treasury for the destruction of Jews.8 He also gave him a copy of the text of the edict for their annihilation, which had been published in Susa, to show to Esther and to explain it to her, and he told him to instruct her to go into the king's presence to beg for mercy and plead with him for her people."(Esther 4:7,8) "When Esther responded to Mordecai, she expressed the hazard of addressing the king, to which Mordecai urged Queen Esther to intercede in spite of. The law did not permit an unrequested audience before the king, thereby leaving the kings isolation. Why make such a law in the first place? Who was more affected? The kings or their subjects? Why even have a king if one lived in fear of being able to present grievances. In the kings' confinement, they had become victims of their own arrogance and haughtiness. It was particularly very uncomfortable for their wives (for there was not a proviso in the law to except them), who were bone of their bone and flesh of their flesh. But perhaps it was wickedly intended as much against them as any other, that the kings might the more freely enjoy their concubines, and Esther knew it. Miserable was the kingdom when the princes framed their laws to serve their lusts." (Matthew Commentary) Mordecai sent an answer: "Do not think that because you are in the king's house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:13-14) Mordecai invokes her to plead her own cause, for her position in the court will not be her protection. Which is the lesser of two evils? Will Esther perish by the law or by the edict? "It was certainly her wisdom to expose herself to a conditional death from her husband than to a certain death from her enemy." (Matthew Henry Commentary) Esther realized that one way or another God would deliver the Jews. As she accepted the charge, she knew that she could not do it alone. Esther sent Mordecai a reply. "Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish." (Esther 4:16-17 NIV)
I thank God that it is not this way when we need to lay down our burdens before the King of kings and Lord of lords. We can go boldly to the throne room of grace, knowing that we serve a God who answers prayer. For this is all made so by the Lamb of God (Jesus) who shed His blood for us. Like Esther, we go before the Lord to plead our own cause but we also need to plead the cause of others.
The queen exercised wisdom as she manuevered how to carry out the charge received from Mordecai. Esther became an instrument for God, one "which staggered not at the promise when danger was most threatening, but against hope believed in hope. As vessels for the Lord, we know that instruments may fail but God's covenant will not." (Matthew Henry Commentary) In spite of all odds, all challenges, all failures, can you "against hope believe in hope"? God has called all Christians to be ministers of the Gospel. Some have been called to the Fivefold ministry. (Ephesians 4) Either position is a position of service to God and His Kingdom. Will you plead the cause for others in such a time as this?
"He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest,
therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." (Luke 10:2 NIV)
This is why I am making sure that I get back on the horse. It's because her story rings in my heart and has encouraged others for decades. We, too, have royal positions. Those that know Jesus and have accepted Him as their Lord and Savior have become royal priests in the Kingdom of God who are called to serve. "And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?"
I want to encourage you to be an instrument for God. Respond in obedience to the Great Commission. Be a disciple that makes disciples. According to the Bible,"Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28: 18-20 NIV)
Touch the brokenhearted by sharing Jesus. Reach out for the lost. Pray for the unsaved. Someone out there is waiting for you to be an instrument of God that crosses their path. Seize the opportunity to pray for someone, bless someone,and encourage someone. The Bible gives a testimony to the life and ministry of Jesus:"The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor." (Luke 7:22 NIV) Let us walk the way Jesus walked.
"Who knows but the you have come...for such a time as this?" (NIV)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Your Leaves Do Not Wither.

"He is like a tree planted by streams of water, wich yields fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." Psalm 1:3 (NIV)
God is a God of seasons. Yet, we must understand that He is not bound to man made seasons or times. Our seasons are spiritual. Sometimes we are more aware of the spiritual changes or periods of transition that occur in our walk with the LORD. And there are times when we can feel a definite shifting. Other times we are less in tune.
Time and seasons happen to every man. Time meaning opportunity, period or season, which can sometimes correlate to a calendar or weather season. Since we are like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. I found my self meditating on how I can have changing seasons, yet my leaf does not wither...change color, wither, fall off, die. I see the trees changing their leaves, yet my tree is different. Can you imagine a tree still maintaining green fresh, bright leaves in the midst of trees whose leaves are withering and falling off? Can you imagine a tree standing in the midst of bare trees? How can we be a tree whose leaves do not wither?
It's because we are not bound to seasons of man. We are not bound to cycles. We are not bound to those things which bring death to our leaves. Those cyclical thoughts of depression, loss, death, or grief. Rehearsing and re-cursing events in our life like hurt from divorce, wounds of infidelity, anniversaries of tragedies. God wants to disconnect us from being tied to cycles of grief that bring spiritual death and depression. Elizabeth Ross teaches on how we handle death or a loss. She lists five stages of grief. Grief, which is a mental suffering or distress over the loss. It can be a great sorrow or painful regret. Stage 1 Denial; Stage 2 Anger; Stage 3 Bargaining; Stage 4 Depression; and Stage 5 Acceptance. She shares that we all move through these stages. In my experiences, grief does not appear the same in everyone. For some it may be rather intense and obvious. For others, a combination of sharp sorrow and melancholy introversion. And for others, it may go unnoticed in there everyday behaviors, but be displayed in random events or areas of malfunctioning in the mundane processes of life. No matter what, or how we navigate through a loss or death of a loved one, we must avoid the pitfalls of becoming attached to cyclical bouts of grief, which can be triggered by seasons, dates or similar events. God can heal you.
We are like a tree that has an ever flowing source of nourishment.
We are not bound to man's timing, but God's timing. When we seek God and seek His Word, we are continually refreshed by the Spirit of God. Our source of life is never ending, ever flowing, ever changing, ever healing. God's streams of water, His Holy Spirit, is ever flowing. Our leaves do not wither when we are constantly being renewed. The tree that is planted is in constant renewal and continual change by God's Spirit and God's Word. LIVE IN CONTINUAL RENEWAL!
That is how our leaves do not wither.
Friday, August 14, 2009
What Was Jesus' "Vision"?
Recently, I was asked "what was Jesus' vision? At the time, I was relaxing and in study of the Word of God. Yet, I was taken aback by the spontaneous inquiry by which I was confronted. My mind was flooded with questions that were derived from multiple avenues. Since one may often realize, when a person poses a question there are factors surrounding the need to know and usually a catalypst that has prompted the actual delivery. In other words, as humans we often have motives for our behaviors, whether good motives or ill; innocent or wicked; genuine or false, the need to know comes from within. Isn't it wonderful how the God uses anything and everythiing to stir us and cause us to have a desire to know Him. It was a heart issue. Someone was pursuing God with all their heart and needed to know.
So, what is a vision? Not something seen, but a vision as in a goal. Churches, ministries, schools, businesses all have vison statements and many have a mission statement. These two differ: a vision statement exppresses what one wants to do; a mission statement explains how one will go about it. A "vision" may declare what one hopes to achieve and why. It depicts the purposes of the endeavor and even the target group one desires to affect.
My first response was: "He came to fulfill the Scriptures, and that encompasses it all." We chatted briefly and brinstormed awhile longer, to include that He came to reveal the Father, to make disciples, to bring salvation, etc. Then I was reminded of the charge of the Anointed One: to preach the good news, set the captives free, sight to the blind, to heal the sick. Maybe, just maybe, that was the mission.
So, what do you think? What was Jesus' "vision"?
So, what is a vision? Not something seen, but a vision as in a goal. Churches, ministries, schools, businesses all have vison statements and many have a mission statement. These two differ: a vision statement exppresses what one wants to do; a mission statement explains how one will go about it. A "vision" may declare what one hopes to achieve and why. It depicts the purposes of the endeavor and even the target group one desires to affect.
My first response was: "He came to fulfill the Scriptures, and that encompasses it all." We chatted briefly and brinstormed awhile longer, to include that He came to reveal the Father, to make disciples, to bring salvation, etc. Then I was reminded of the charge of the Anointed One: to preach the good news, set the captives free, sight to the blind, to heal the sick. Maybe, just maybe, that was the mission.
So, what do you think? What was Jesus' "vision"?
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I'm Running On Empty Lord
Psalm 23: The LORD is my Sheperd, I shall not want, He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. Thou dost prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; Thou has anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Have you ever been so run down, so dried up, that you felt as though you are running out of gas?
I have run out of gas in my car before. I noticed the needle going low, but I thought that I could make it to the gas station. Not really knowing when the tank had lost it's reserve, I began to sputter along until the vehicle just stopped. I thought, "If only I had filled up last night" or "I just missed that gas station." Or how about this one? " I know my car and it's not going to run out of gas yet, besides the tank has a reserve."
How many times has someone ignored when they feel their spiritual tank running low? Stresses, Worries, Bills, Fears, Responsibilites, all of which can slowly cause us to lose gas. Suddenly, we realize that there is less time to read the Word. Or we miss time that we would have prayed. Maybe, we are even missing regular fellowship with the saints. Whatever the case may be, as we navigate life's storms we can run out of gas, if we are not keeping "Holy Ghost Maintenance".
It's like "hitch" in a baseball swing. You know, we think that we can pull that bat back and swing smoothly, but that little "hitch", or awkward movement, causes us to strike out or hit a catchable pop fly. We just need something to help us with a smooth swing.
If my car isn't running right;It may sputter. Our car needs gas, a tune up, and an oil change to run smoothly.
When we need an oil change or a tune up, in the spirit. We don't flow with God. Things creep in that take us out of the smooth running engine: Fears, Worries, Doubts, Lack of Faith, Deceived by Others, Easily wounded, etc. Without our "Holy Ghost Maintenance" saints can have "sputters in the spirit". We feel like we are alone, can't make it, become indecisive, confused, lose faith, self-pity, envy, jealousy,....(and it goes on).You may even feel like you want to give into temptations. Don't! God is with you and has equipped you in your situation.
We need to practice "Holy Ghost Maintenance"! No matter what storms you are facing, stick to the basics: Prayer, Praise, and the Word of God. Then keep yourself around the saints. Find a brother or sister in Christ. Seek one who is more mature or one who has walked your trial. They are anointed to give out to another.
Lastly, run to your first love: God the Father.
Psalm 23 is quoted so often and sung to any melodies. It is memorized and rehearsed to see a true picture of God, as a loving Sheperd. He leads us, guides us, supplies our needs, and gives us a place of rest.
When the psalmist was writing, the occupation of a sheperd was commonplace and an extension to their culture. Many of us have never had the opportunity to live on a farm or to care for domesticated animals, such as sheep. Imagine, if you would, the scenario:
When you read Psalm 23, take a look at verse 5. Often times, we miss that the "my" is referring to the "sheperd's cup".
The cup that the psalmist, David, speaks of was a large watering trough, which was carved from a large stone. It's base was a ROCK. It held somewhere around 40-50 gallons of water. The sheep came to get a refreshing in a very abundant watering hole. God's refreshing is one of abundance also. It is for all who long to drink from His cup.
God desires that we come and take a drink; a drink in His Presence. There is healing, love and freedom when we soak in the Presence of the Holy Spirit. God's cup is overflowing to refresh us, as we spend time in the burden remaining, yoke destroying anointing of God. When we worship and spend time with Him, God refreshes us with new oil and fresh fire. We are healed, delivered, refreshed, and re-empowered when we take a drink of living water.
In Ezekiel 47:1-12, the river that flows from the temple, is ever flowing outward and increasing in depth. It is the river of life. In the move of revival for our nation and the world, this river must flow outward from the temple. It is through the people of God, that others will witness the ever increasing power of Holy Spirit. Souls will be saved, lives will be delivered, People will be healed as the saints walk the way Jesus walked. We must let the very presence of Jesus be made known to others and let the wells of living water spring up in us. The river of life supplies needs, brings healing and gives life along the way. Notice that the river of life is also illustrated in Revelation 22:1,2. It is a river that flows from the throne of God, which bears fruit and brings healing to the nations.
Won't you come into the river and be refreshed. Let your soul long and thirst for more of God. Let Him poor His glory on you, and in every area of your life. Imagine more of God as the river rises and overtakes you, bringing total satisfaction, that only God can bring.
I pray that all who read this will have a new hunger and thirst for more of God. Stop letting yourself get to almost empty. Read His Word, Pray, and Spend time with Holy Spirit. Seek God for fresh fire daily. Know and Accept new oil each morning. I pray that all will be re-ignited to a passion for God like never before. Let things that are dead be washed away with the river's current and new things come to life. Lord, I pray that the flame will be fanned. Prophecies that were spoken will no longer be dormant, but with the refreshing, let them have life. Let gifts be stirred up to be used for the glory of God in excellence.
Take a look at this video:
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Greatest Romance
"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life." John 3:16
VALENTINE'S DAY!! Just the sound of those words evokes a desire to share our love with someone. Young and old, rich or poor, family or friend, spouse or significant other...this day is set aside to say "I Love You!" For most,it is a time of planning something special and creating ways to be romantic. For others, it may be an opportunity to dream up ways to be wacky and surprise an unsuspecting person. Yet for others, it may be a time of loneliness or remembrance of lost loved ones. You may not receive a card or flowers; go out to dinner or a movie; nor spend a romantic evening.No matter what your circumstances are, remember that you are special!
Throughout our lives we love many, and many love us. Just because someone loves you, does not mean that you are willing or interested in a relationship with that individual. We have the free will to choose whose love we will accept. That is what determines whether or not we have a relationship with that person. And so it is with God. He loves us all and yearns to have a relationship with us, but acceptance is the key. Do you accept the Father's love?
God is love. He showed His great love for us when He sent His Son so that our sins would be forgiven. His love is unfailing and unconditional. He is always there for us with His arms stretched wide. God is ready, willing, and able to embrace us no matter what we have done, who we have disappointed, and how long we have tried to hide from His enduring love.
Open your heart today and receive the love of the Father. He gave His Son, so that your sins could be forgiven. Accept Jesus into your heart and let His love reign. Know and believe that He died on the cross and rose again for all mankind. He shed His blood for you! Won't you let Him be Lord of your life!?
This Valentine's Day, start a new relationship or rekindle an old flame. Make Him your first love:
Let God romance you.
Got any gift ideas for Valentine's Day? We do. from Angel Mission on Vimeo.
VALENTINE'S DAY!! Just the sound of those words evokes a desire to share our love with someone. Young and old, rich or poor, family or friend, spouse or significant other...this day is set aside to say "I Love You!" For most,it is a time of planning something special and creating ways to be romantic. For others, it may be an opportunity to dream up ways to be wacky and surprise an unsuspecting person. Yet for others, it may be a time of loneliness or remembrance of lost loved ones. You may not receive a card or flowers; go out to dinner or a movie; nor spend a romantic evening.No matter what your circumstances are, remember that you are special!
Throughout our lives we love many, and many love us. Just because someone loves you, does not mean that you are willing or interested in a relationship with that individual. We have the free will to choose whose love we will accept. That is what determines whether or not we have a relationship with that person. And so it is with God. He loves us all and yearns to have a relationship with us, but acceptance is the key. Do you accept the Father's love?
God is love. He showed His great love for us when He sent His Son so that our sins would be forgiven. His love is unfailing and unconditional. He is always there for us with His arms stretched wide. God is ready, willing, and able to embrace us no matter what we have done, who we have disappointed, and how long we have tried to hide from His enduring love.
Open your heart today and receive the love of the Father. He gave His Son, so that your sins could be forgiven. Accept Jesus into your heart and let His love reign. Know and believe that He died on the cross and rose again for all mankind. He shed His blood for you! Won't you let Him be Lord of your life!?
This Valentine's Day, start a new relationship or rekindle an old flame. Make Him your first love:
Let God romance you.
Got any gift ideas for Valentine's Day? We do. from Angel Mission on Vimeo.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Jesus is the Reason for the Season!
May God Bless You In This Season. Let us remember the true meaning of Christmas: Jesus Christ was born. God's plan for the salvation of all mankind was set in motion as Jesus came down from heaven and became man. Born of the virgin Mary, he knew no sin and came to fufill the scriptures. King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus was known as Immanuel, which means God is with us.
Joy to the World!
Pastor Pam
Joy to the World!
Pastor Pam
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Do you know what you believe?
Just a thought...
A few years ago, as I was about to embark on my first international mission trip, I suffered a great loss. Just three weeks before the team's departure, my younger sister passed away as she succumbed to breast cancer. Even though we had prayed to God, the elders had prayed the prayer of faith, and ministers had anointed her with oil, she peacefully went home to her heavenly Father.
There I was: on fire for God and ready to conquer the world in the name of Jesus. Suddenly, I was faced with the question- Why did she die? We had witnessed the miracle working power of God in our lives and many others. As ministers in a healing ministry, we could give testimonies to physical, spiritual and emotional healings. She had experienced the presence of the Lord and shared in the outpouring of His Spirit in revivals. Why wasn't she healed?
I guess one would say that my theology was rocked. I reminded myself continually, God is sovereign. As my mind tried to meditate on the loss, I battled to remember the miracles of old. Testimony after testimony of God's resurrecting and delivering healing power. Could I believe that God is still God, no matter what? It left me challenged in my faith and relationship with our Creator.
If you are a Christian, do you know in what you believe? Many of us attend churches and ministries events, yet we don't know in what a Christian believes. Let's be more specific, sometimes we don't know the beliefs within the denominational to which we belong! Vision statements are displayed in churches, Mission statements are included in bulletins, and Statements of Faith are written in brochures or posted on websites. How many times have we read those statements of faith (Doctrinal Truths)?
I don't know about you, but the first time I read the Doctrinal Truths I felt like an extraterrestial. I figured that I must be from outerspace because there was so much information and the wording was difficult, that I couldn't decipher what in the world they were saying. Oh, and the Scriptures! Be honest, have you ever taken your Bible and studied each of the scriptures associated with your Doctrinal Truths?
Therefore, I challenge you. Take the time to learn and understand what a Christian believes. Get a copy of the statements of faith from your congregation, locate the scriptures and read them. If one would compare and contrast denominations, there are variations in wording and paraphrasing. Notably, you will also find differences in areas that still remain controversial between denominations. But you owe it to yourself to know what you believe.
These Fundamental Truths are a basis of fellowship among us. The truths are essential to a Full Gospel, Bible-based ministry. They do not contain all truth, only a commonality of basic doctrines. Understanding your Statements of Faith is important to your ability to witness the hope of Christ and His resurrecting power.
So, witness to others how Jesus was crucified, buried and raised from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father. Proclaim that through Him our sins are forgiven. Empower others with the gift of the wonder-working power of the Blood. Declare that we are justified by faith. Walk in the blessing that we have divine healing because of the atonement. Teach others that the Holy Spirit is here with us and dwells in us to renew and sanctify. As we celebrate that our name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and we await the second coming of Jesus.
He shall reign! Take a look at this video:
Be a Kingdom Advancer,
Pastor Pamela Robinson
P.S. Here is your research: Search for a copy of the Nicene Creed (381 A.D.). Read the creed and outline the beliefs. Suggested Reading: Assemblies of God- Our 16 Doctrines; A paraphrased Version of : Statements of Fundamental Truths. The reading is very simplified with commentary.
A few years ago, as I was about to embark on my first international mission trip, I suffered a great loss. Just three weeks before the team's departure, my younger sister passed away as she succumbed to breast cancer. Even though we had prayed to God, the elders had prayed the prayer of faith, and ministers had anointed her with oil, she peacefully went home to her heavenly Father.
There I was: on fire for God and ready to conquer the world in the name of Jesus. Suddenly, I was faced with the question- Why did she die? We had witnessed the miracle working power of God in our lives and many others. As ministers in a healing ministry, we could give testimonies to physical, spiritual and emotional healings. She had experienced the presence of the Lord and shared in the outpouring of His Spirit in revivals. Why wasn't she healed?
I guess one would say that my theology was rocked. I reminded myself continually, God is sovereign. As my mind tried to meditate on the loss, I battled to remember the miracles of old. Testimony after testimony of God's resurrecting and delivering healing power. Could I believe that God is still God, no matter what? It left me challenged in my faith and relationship with our Creator.
If you are a Christian, do you know in what you believe? Many of us attend churches and ministries events, yet we don't know in what a Christian believes. Let's be more specific, sometimes we don't know the beliefs within the denominational to which we belong! Vision statements are displayed in churches, Mission statements are included in bulletins, and Statements of Faith are written in brochures or posted on websites. How many times have we read those statements of faith (Doctrinal Truths)?
I don't know about you, but the first time I read the Doctrinal Truths I felt like an extraterrestial. I figured that I must be from outerspace because there was so much information and the wording was difficult, that I couldn't decipher what in the world they were saying. Oh, and the Scriptures! Be honest, have you ever taken your Bible and studied each of the scriptures associated with your Doctrinal Truths?
Therefore, I challenge you. Take the time to learn and understand what a Christian believes. Get a copy of the statements of faith from your congregation, locate the scriptures and read them. If one would compare and contrast denominations, there are variations in wording and paraphrasing. Notably, you will also find differences in areas that still remain controversial between denominations. But you owe it to yourself to know what you believe.
These Fundamental Truths are a basis of fellowship among us. The truths are essential to a Full Gospel, Bible-based ministry. They do not contain all truth, only a commonality of basic doctrines. Understanding your Statements of Faith is important to your ability to witness the hope of Christ and His resurrecting power.
So, witness to others how Jesus was crucified, buried and raised from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father. Proclaim that through Him our sins are forgiven. Empower others with the gift of the wonder-working power of the Blood. Declare that we are justified by faith. Walk in the blessing that we have divine healing because of the atonement. Teach others that the Holy Spirit is here with us and dwells in us to renew and sanctify. As we celebrate that our name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and we await the second coming of Jesus.
He shall reign! Take a look at this video:
Be a Kingdom Advancer,
Pastor Pamela Robinson
P.S. Here is your research: Search for a copy of the Nicene Creed (381 A.D.). Read the creed and outline the beliefs. Suggested Reading: Assemblies of God- Our 16 Doctrines; A paraphrased Version of : Statements of Fundamental Truths. The reading is very simplified with commentary.
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